Designing a world-class autonomous sailboat is fun, but challenging work.

We turn theory into reality and apply our learning as we convert CAD designs into carbon fiber lay-ups and bytes into sophisticated event algorithms.

This year, however, we hope to not only come first in competition, but we’re aiming even higher: We want to autonomously sail across Cayuga Lake. Your help can make our dreams possible!

Donation Goals

$3500: Sail Across Cayuga Lake

Our top goal for giving day is to get the equipment out boat needs to make it across Cayuga Lake fully autonomously.

$2000: Send 10 Team Members to our Regatta

Our boat will compete in the Sailboat International Robotic Sailing Regatta on Lake Attitash in Amesbury, Massachusetts this summer. We are hoping to have a strong showing of 10 members at the event but currently do not have the funds to provide their and the boats transportation and housing.

$1500: Purchase an Anemometer

The anemometer is used to measure wind direction and speed as well as the acceleration of our boat. Our current anemometer is outdated and purchasing a new one would greatly improve our boats performance and allow us to explore new oppurtunities with how we adjust our sail given our acceleration. Improving our anemometer would be a large step towards sailing across Cayuga Lake.

$1000: Procure Carbon Fiber

We use carbon fiber to renforce the deck and hull of our sailboat. Through the course of sailing these parts of our endure a lot of wear and tear and must be replaced. Having a supply of carbon fiber is essential to keeping our boat on the water and improving.

$250: Fund our Lake Testing

We want to have 5 lake testing days this spring once it gets a bit warmer. This is when we can see how the changes we have made so far this year are working and are an important part of our boat's improvement. We provide transportation, food (pizza), and water to our team during these 5 hour long test days.

$100: Host a Godfather Screening

In honor of our boat the Codfather, we want to host a campus wide screening of the Godfather to raise awareness and bring publicity to our team.

$50: Buy Lifejackets

We want to get more high quality life jackets so that we can pursue more rigorous lake testing. Also we prefer it when our team members don't drown.